ogólnie w Europie - 29-11-2016
Showery Mediterranean
Cooler north

Issued: 0530hrs Tuesday 29th November 2016
Duty forecaster: Simon Keeling

Showers in the Mediterranean, fine in the central Europe and cooler to the north

A strong cell of high pressure dominates western and central parts of Europe. Expect a good deal of dry weather with sunny spells from Portugal and Spain eastward into France, The Low Countries, Denmark and Germany. Cold with outbreaks of snow across Poland, The Ukraine, Russia and Finland.
Cold but dry across the Baltic States, Sweden and Norway. Widespread frosts are expected across much of mainland Europe. Dry with sunny spells and the Adriatic Region, Austria, the Czech Republic and Hungary. A better day across Italy with sunny spells but a cold day.

Showers affecting eastern Spain on Wednesday. More persistent rain in southwest Portugal. Drier elsewhere in Iberia with some bright or sunny spells. Fair in the Balearics and Italy with lots of sunshine and dry weather here. Cloud and rain in southern and eastern Greece. Chilly with wintry showers across northern Turkey, drier and brighter to the south. Wet acros Israel with some heavy periods of rain here.
A fair amount of fog over France, this slowly lifting to leave sunny spells. Fair for the Low Countries with a brisk breeze. Scattered showers over northern Germany and breezy here. Staying breezy in Poland with showers in the north but drier to the south. Austria and Hungary as well as Switzerland should be dry.
Windy in Denmark with showers here. Sunny spells and cooler in the Baltic States. Scattered snow showers across Finland and chilly here. Bright in Sweden with sunny spells in the south, heavy snow showers in the north. Norway sees wintry showers, these heavy in the north.