

Volchikha (208m)

Important note on the term precipitation days in the diagram

There is no general definition of the term 'precipitation days' yet.The amount of precipitation is usually expressed in units of liquid water depth (e.g., centimeters or inches) of the water that has fallen on a horizontal surface at a given point and over a specific time interval (e.g., last 6 hours).However, sometimes this amount of water is so small that weather stations correctly report precipitation, but simply cannot gauge it.For example, a typical source for such 'non-measurable' precipitation is very light drizzle, dew or rime and even sea spray.Fog is the most common reason for precipitation fewer than 0.1 mm.The diagram of Volchikha shows every day of precipitation including days with non-measurable precipitation. Therefore the actual number of rain days appears to be slightly too big.
Najbliższa stacja pogodowa - Volchikha Odległość
Semey/Semipalatinsk 30.8 km
Kochki 44.8 km
Bajewo 50.0 km
Kreschenka 81.5 km
Rubcowsk 95.1 km
Zhangiztobe 106.9 km
Kljuci 137.4 km
Ordynskoje 180.7 km
Zdvinsk 196.8 km
Zmieinogorsk 204.6 km
Zmieinogorsk 204.6 km
Rebriha 215.9 km
Semijarka 225.7 km
Kokpekty 229.1 km
Barabińsk 232.7 km
Ust-Kamienogorsk Port lotniczy 239.1 km
Severnoe 241.4 km
Karasuk 258.4 km
Alejsk 267.3 km
Koływań 270.6 km
Nowosybirsk 291.2 km
Nowosybirsk 291.4 km
Kupino 346.9 km
Port lotniczy Barnauł 351.3 km
Ridder 355.3 km
Pawłodar 382.2 km
Czany 425.4 km
Mikhailovka 428.6 km
Maslanino 429.9 km
Kystovka 434.8 km
Toguczin 451.3 km
Bol'she Narymskoe 463.7 km
Zalesovo 493.1 km
Tomsk 510.1 km
Bijsk Zonal'naja 510.3 km