
Ameryka Północna

Mary's Harbour Airport

Number of days available for climatic review

słońce (godz.)000000
wilgotność / widzialność152145161157162152

słońce (godz.)0210000
wilgotność / widzialność162163183189167172

Climate data is usually derived from meteorological data of a certain number of years. The actual number of recorded years may vary from only a couple to 50 years or more. The quality of climate data depends on the number of available recorded years. Fewer years means less reliable data. The standart-period for reliable climate data is 30 years. For example, the mean monthly temperature for, let's say January, would ideally calculated from a total number of 930 recorded January-days. However, the usual number of recorded days is much smaller. The table above shows the actual number of recorded days for every parameter measured.
Najbliższa stacja pogodowa - Mary's Harbour Odległość
Mary's Harbour Airport 0.0 km
Mary's Harbour 1.6 km
St.Anthony A 62.4 km
St.Anthony 62.4 km
Englee 103.5 km
LaScie 150.5 km
Blanc-Sablon Port lotniczy 159.1 km
Cartwright Airport 159.1 km
Ferolle Point (AUT) 161.6 km
Twillingate (AUT) 201.7 km
Twillingate (AUT) 201.7 km
Badger 209.4 km
Cormack 251.8 km
Gander Port lotniczy 255.3 km
Gander Port lotniczy 255.4 km
Deer Lake Port lotniczy 257.0 km
Rocky Harbour 282.4 km
Corner Brook 308.7 km
Terra Nova Nat Park CS 317.4 km
Port lotniczy Stephenville 377.8 km
Bonavista 383.1 km
Makkovik Airport 408.3 km
Chevery 436.8 km