

Łubnie (158m)

Important note on the term precipitation days in the diagram

There is no general definition of the term 'precipitation days' yet.The amount of precipitation is usually expressed in units of liquid water depth (e.g., centimeters or inches) of the water that has fallen on a horizontal surface at a given point and over a specific time interval (e.g., last 6 hours).However, sometimes this amount of water is so small that weather stations correctly report precipitation, but simply cannot gauge it.For example, a typical source for such 'non-measurable' precipitation is very light drizzle, dew or rime and even sea spray.Fog is the most common reason for precipitation fewer than 0.1 mm.The diagram of Łubnie shows every day of precipitation including days with non-measurable precipitation. Therefore the actual number of rain days appears to be slightly too big.
Najbliższa stacja pogodowa - Łubnie Odległość
Switłowodśk 92.3 km
Konotop 116.8 km
Kropywnycki 166.2 km
Połtawa 174.7 km
Krzywy Róg Port lotniczy 183.7 km
Sumy 199.8 km
Mironówka 226.7 km
Boryspol 238.3 km
Czernihów 240.4 km
Dniepr 252.6 km
Trubczewsk 254.2 km
Kijów 288.1 km
Mikołajów 302.1 km
Proletarskiy 314.8 km
Chersoń 319.0 km
Hostomel Port lotniczy 319.6 km
Zaporoże 322.6 km
Homel 322.9 km
Shirki 324.7 km
Humań 331.2 km
Kościukowicze 331.7 km
Briańsk 334.1 km
Żukówka 338.4 km
Brahin 352.2 km
Charków 364.5 km
Lubasziwka 367.7 km
Rosław 368.1 km
Obojań 383.4 km
Kursk 386.2 km
Sławograd 395.4 km
Biełgorod 402.1 km
Wasilewicze 413.2 km
Poczynok 418.7 km
Odessa/Tsentralny 419.9 km
Ponyri 422.6 km
Spas-Diemieńsk 424.7 km
Orzeł 427.4 km
Żłobin 430.0 km
Smoleńsk 458.1 km
Suchiniczi 458.2 km
Horki 467.3 km
Mozyrz 467.9 km
Izium 482.6 km
Bogoroditskoe-fenino 493.9 km
Mohylew 498.2 km
ZavodskiyKhutor 498.9 km
Orsza 513.5 km
Kliczew 528.4 km
Bobrujsk 530.1 km
Liwny 556.0 km
Mariupol 560.5 km
Sienno 588.0 km
Tuła 640.2 km